The True AI Threat: Not Sci-Fi Apocalypse, but Today’s Corporate Exploitation

3 min readMay 31, 2023


an AI generated image w/ Midjourney by me

As society continues to grapple with the rapid advancement of AI, a chorus of voices warns of an impending existential threat: machines poised to outsmart us, and, in the most alarmist predictions, to obliterate humanity entirely.

The rapid advancement of AI has fueled existential fears of a dystopian future where machines outsmart and potentially obliterate humanity. Influential voices such as Elon Musk, Yoshua Bengio, and executives of leading AI companies like Sam Altman, Demis Hassabis, and Dario Amodei, have signed open letters warning of these potential risks. They argue that AI should be considered a societal risk on par with pandemics and nuclear wars. Such discourse has overshadowed the immediate, palpable issues resulting from the current deployment of AI systems.

The alarmist vision of a ‘super AI’ awakening can be seen as a distraction obscuring the real issues at play. By focusing on an unlikely, distant future, we are led away from the pressing concerns caused by existing AI systems, from worker exploitation to widespread data theft. These are not hypothetical threats; they are immediate, tangible issues that are impacting lives today. AI’s potential to spread misinformation, propagate bias, threaten privacy, and displace jobs are present and real.

The AI narrative is largely influenced by individuals and entities with vested interests, including those with significant financial backing from corporations hoping to profit from the exploitation of AI. Yet, these same corporations mask their intentions by waving the prospect of a dystopian AI future in our faces. The true danger is not the possibility of malevolent AI turning on humanity but rather corporations and individuals using AI as a tool to bolster their personal gains while avoiding accountability.

The real AI story is not a sci-fi narrative about machines gaining consciousness and overthrowing humanity. It’s a tale of power, inequality, and accountability in our digital age. The implications of the current applications of AI are far more immediate and consequential than the speculative scenarios often hyped in public discourse. We should be asking not whether an advanced AI system could potentially end humanity, but how the current use of AI is already causing harm.

To ensure that AI serves humanity, we need stringent regulations that protect the interests of individuals, not corporations. The path to a safe AI future lies in managing the existing issues, demanding transparency and accountability from those who develop and deploy these systems. AI is a tool, and its impact on society depends largely on who wields it, and for what purpose. The danger lies in how AI is used as a weapon to exploit labor, strip privacy, and accelerate wealth inequality.

Our efforts should be directed not towards preparing for an improbable AI apocalypse, but towards confronting the immediate challenges arising from the unbridled race for innovation and profit. The development of AI should be a carefully navigated journey mindful of its immediate impacts on society. It is crucial that we remain vigilant about these impacts, rather than succumbing to speculative fears about a far-off future.

-Rayshaun “Chu” Smith

Rayshaun Smith Enterprises

CEO & Founder

Twitter: @RSEChuOfficial




Written by Chu

I write sometimes...... U.S. Navy Vet|🚀Entrepreneur|💻Tech & AI Enthusiast|⚓️USN Vet|✈️World Traveler(28/195 countries)|📚 Novice Writer| Opinions Are My Own.

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